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SoftWave Mobile LLC

We Bring the Healing to You!

An FDA Cleared non-invasive and drug-free treatment for inflammation, chronic pain, and most joint issues.

Appointments available in:

New Jersey | Tri-State Area | Tennesee | National

As seen & featured on:

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"SoftWave Therapy helps to regenerate soft tissue injuries by immediately decreasing inflammation, improving blood flow, and activating stem cells to aid in the healing process."

— Dr. Marco Ferrucci

Are you ready to feel and move better?

Relieve Pain, Activate Stem Cells, and Improve Healing. No More Invasive Treatments

or Pain Medication.

Many patients feel 30-50% improvement within their first treatment session!!

We Bring the Healing to you!

New Jersey / Tri-State

Clarksville / Brentwood / Tullahoma


US Nationwide

Contact us:

P: (973) 273-3409