3 Things to Know about FDA - Cleared Regenerate ShockWave Therapy

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If you’re in pain, you need to read this blog. Every week, we will offer you facts, not fiction, about different types of pain, different types of credible treatments, and what the science reports work for it. 

As long-time providers to thousands of patients in pain, we feel an obligation to share the news about our newest medical tool that is dramatically improving our patients’ lives: SoftWave Therapy.

Our FDA-cleared SoftWave Therapy will change your life as well, since it will ease the pain that is continually humming in your body.

As doctors, we believe in science. As doctors, we have a mission to provide safe, science-based treatments for your pain. 

As doctors, we know it’s our responsibility to help as many patients as we can without drugs, painful injections, and whenever possible, without surgery.

SoftWave therapy is non-invasive and will transform your life.

Here are the top 3 things to know about FDA-cleared Regenerate ShockWaveTherapy.

1.What is ShockWave Therapy?

SoftWave therapy is cleared by the FDA, no small feat. Regenerate SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic device that uses a patented breakthrough method of shock-wave generation. It brings unprecedented advantages to sports and regenerative medicine. It rapidly relieves chronic pain and dramatically accelerates recoveries with sustaining results. 

Not only is this Softwave machine used for treatment, but it also has diagnostic feedback in which the “origin of pain” can be precisely identified, serving as an invaluable tool for proper treatment. This feedback mechanism allows us to know precisely where the problem.

2. Science Supports SoftWave Therapy


As doctors, we have extensively trained using the TRT OrthoGold 100 SoftWave, the only Unfocused Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) technology available. This tool is scientifically validated to accomplish the following:

  • Immediately shuts down the inflammatory process at the treatment site. Results are typically an immediate and sustained relief of chronic pain and release muscular adhesions/tightness. Improvement of range of motion is a typical result.

  • Patients see sustained improvement of blood blow. SoftWave therapy has been linked to a release of various immune factors and increased ATP that leads to angio/vasculogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) at the treatment site.

  • TRT SoftWave is scientifically validated to recruit and activate endogenous stem cell production, allowing the body to truly start healing from within.

3. Follow the Athletes: Surge in SoftWave Therapy Keeps Growing

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When your body must be in tip-top shape to pay the bills, you tend to focus upon proven results for pain or injury. Professional, semi-professional, or college teams rely upon SoftWave therapy to keep their bodies in top-notch physical form.  The treatment is revered around the world and is now available in the U.S. for anyone, including athletes and every person who experiences chronic or other pain. 

SoftWave therapy is used by MLB, NBA, NFL teams, including Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, L.A. Lakers, NY Knicks, Brooklyn Nets, and many team athletes. Some of the many  teams using SoftWave therapy include:

  • MLB, NBA, NFL teams, including Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, L.A. Lakers, NY Knicks, Brooklyn Nets, and many team athletes.

  • Top Medical Institutions, such as HSS, UCSF, UCLA, UPMC, Cleveland Clinic, Baylor UMC, Mayo Clinic, Shepherd Center, and others

  • University Athletic Programs

  • Top Sports Med Rehab Clinics

  • Top Orthopaedic Physicians

  • Sports Chiropractic

  • Regenerative Therapy Physicians and Clinics

  • Elite Athletes across the globe

  • FC Barcelona

SoftWave therapy has successfully treated sports players. One UK doctor reports he saw tremendous success treating “patella tendinopathy, which is a  severe inflammation of the main tendon that attaches to the lower part of the kneecap and shinbone and has often been torn or degenerated in some instances.” 

The players he treated had all undergone surgery to correct their issues, but still were experiencing dramatic pain, not running, walking well, etc. After receiving ShockWave therapy, these athletes could finally begin to begin and then successfully finish their rehab programs and get back to what they love: playing sports on international fields in front of many thousands of fans.

Your Takeaway

If you or a loved one is in pain, Regenerate SoftWave Therapy is a painless, non-invasive treatment that can help heal your pain within 6 - 10 visits. 

No drugs. No painful injections. It helps to prevent surgery.

If you are ready to learn more and book your first appointment, we have offices in two convenient locations. Just click on any site to begin your healing journey. 

Hoboken - next to PATH train from NYC

Cedar Grove, New Jersey


Because you do NOT Have to Sit at Home in Pain